11、 谁敢把幸福搁在姐身上赌,姐就敢拿命不让他输! Who dares to bet happiness on her sister, the sister will dare not let him lose his life! 12、 爱就是心疼,可以喜欢许多人,但真正心疼的只有一个。 Lov
11、 谁敢把幸福搁在姐身上赌,姐就敢拿命不让他输!
Who dares to bet happiness on her sister, the sister will dare not let him lose his life!
12、 爱就是心疼,可以喜欢许多人,但真正心疼的只有一个。
Love is the heart pain, can like a lot of people, but the real pain is only one.
13、 偶然向你发个脾气,是想知道我在你心里位置。
If you have a chance to lose your temper, you want to know what I am in your heart.
14、 最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人,他纵容你的习惯,并爱着你的一切。
The happiest moment is to find the right person. He indulges your habits and loves you all.
15、 深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。
Love is a heavy burden that I can't afford, and love is just a lie that comes by chance.
16、 不以淫荡示天下,但求风骚动世人!
No lewd to show the world, but beg for the world!
17、 幸福,一种说不出口的感觉,很奇妙,但是也会让人痛心的,但是我现在也很幸福。
Happiness, a feeling of saying no export, is wonderful, but it will be painful, but I am also very happy now.
18、 一个会心的微笑,一句安慰的话语,一个不用说出来的拥抱,足以。
A happy smile, a word of comfort, a hug that doesn't have to be said, is enough.
19、 以后的每一夜我都抱着你到天亮。
Every night I hold you to the dawn.
20、 这一生我只牵你的手,因为今生有你早已足够。
I only hold your hand in this life, because you have enough in this life.