1980年他为德意志民主共和国电视台演出布里顿的《战争安魂曲》,电视演出的前置作业时间很短,但Kegel仍然为谱上琐碎的小细节反复练习。人家问他:这既非为录音演出,(没有video tape的年代)公众也只会听到这么一次,不完美过了以后就不会再回来。Kegel 回答:Even with a work which can only be heard once there is no room for sloppiness. Whether it be a concert, a television broadcast or a record, I always want the best.
Kegel对现代音乐的要求也很严苛。他说:If we cannot ehearse Mozart in the proper way, everybody in the audience will realize that it is our fault. If we rehearse a work of modern composer not thoroughtly enough, the audience mig ht think that it is a bad work. But such a judgement, gentlemen, would not be fair to the composer!